Through this project, ‘Namgis and Western will jointly develop an innovative and progressive plan to sustainably manage Tree Farm Licence 37 (TFL 37) and inform cooperative decision making between them. The pilot will also provide recommendations for joint decision-making between ‘Namgis and the Province.
In addition to planning for Tla’amin treaty lands and Crown tenure areas, the IRMP will include collaboration with Western on planning for the portion of TFL 39 Block 1 located in the Territory.
Huu-ay-aht First Nations and Western Forest Products are pleased to announce that Western will provide $375,000 in support of Huu-ay-aht’s Watershed Renewal Program. The program began in 2017 in an effort to renew and enhance fish and wildlife habitats on Huu-ay-aht’s traditional territory (“Ḥahuułi”) for the benefit of future generations, specifically in the Sarita, Pachena, and Sugsaw watersheds.